Jack Plotkin, Ed.D.
Hi there!
I currently serve as El Segundo Unified's Director of Innovation and Student Support Services. Some of my charges include promotion of digital learning strategies, and provision of student support services including counseling, interventions, Section 504 and Special Education. I was formerly Principal of El Segundo Middle School, an International Baccalaureate World School in Los Angeles County.
I am a Lecturer at Loyola Marymount University in the Graduate School of Education, primarily instructing practicing teachers on providing access for English Learners. I serve as an Alumni Fellow for doctoral students in Ucla's Educational Leadership Program where I earned my doctorate in 2011. In my various roles, I've created some resources and stumbled upon others to facilitate school reform and transformation. Here, you will find resources on instructing English Learners, Personalized Professional Learning, and the idea of Neurodiversity.